No Bones About It

Saturday, September 3, 2011


It's been awhile since I last wrote, I have been so busy with moving and packing.  Also starting this new life style.  I have been 5 months no smoking, eating plants and calcium alkyline foods for a whole month now and I feel better.  I have energy in mornings and walking more.  I did learn that one mile in 20 minutes is the deal.  One day I thought I did a mile in an hour and thought I was doing good.  I am really out of touch with working out.  But now I can do 20 minutes a mile.  I am up to 2 to be exact.  So its progress for me.

Some other progress is once or twice a week I do have meat.  Like a hot dog, or chicken burrito bowl.  I have to.  It can be all or nothing or I will crash and burn.

In meantime of meals we are slowly moving into a new home we inherited.  We are renovating the outside and painting inside.  This has been a slow process too since we had to donate most of the items inside first.  What a chore, but what a good feeling knowing the items will go to people in need.  And boy does our state have that.   My husband got to give away furniture to a sober womans house and he got to feel the euphoria of giving away.  He absolutely loved it.  Now he knows when he is not sure about getting rid of something he can.  See my husband has not moved in thirty years so he does not know the feeling of  throwing out.  He keeps ALOT of stuff.  That is why we are a pair, I give away if I don't wear or use in 1 or 2 years, depending on the item. 

So now he is giving away every chance he gets.  It is quite cute! 

My husband has also lost 10 lbs since I started our new life style, and I have lost two lbs.  I bought us ipods and loaded music on them and gives us something to work out too.  He can walk way farther than me but I am working on it.  No progress can happen without change is what I am finding out.

Friday, August 12, 2011

leafy living

So its been about six weeks of leafy living and actually starting to like it.  I have my nutrional yeast flakes on everything which gives me and now my family B12 naturally.  (shhh they don't know))

I learned abdomen exercises that are supine exercises to make my back stronger.  Never knew that!  Last night I had a Mediterran Gnocchi and loved it with Shrimp and then a big salad.  Leafy salads are now a way of life but I have to eat some starchy stuff so I don't get all gassy.  Nothing like passing gas 24/7 and that is embarrising I tell ya.

I just learned I can make a pereniall vegetable garden and I will be looking into that for next year.  I am a perenial princess but now I will be doing the vegetable thing.  Can't wait! 

Tonight we are having sauteed shrimp with leafy salad and all vegetables wit quiona rice.  I am really enjoying this life.  I can't believe leafy living makes me feel well and happy.

Friday, August 5, 2011


So first time in a long time, my husband and I escaped Akron-Ohio.  We hopped on the Harley and rode to Asheville, North Carolina.  We arrived in nine hours in the heat and it was great.  I silently promised myself I would eat all plant/veggie food.  I personally don't think I can go all vegan because I love seafood. 

So we set out and I had seafood all week and green salads.  One day we went to Bel Cher.  A big fun music fest in downtown Asheville and stopped at a Bistro.  I had a Portabella Mushroom Salad.  Now, I never had a mushroom like that and just ate it.   I felt so sick and right away!  I hopped up and went right to bathroom.  Now since I started eating plants I have had some serious gas problems.  I know it sounds gross but since I quit smoking the cessation teachers said that would happen.  Now 5 months later still farting. 

I am in bathroom.embarrased because I feel sick.   So I just request extra tomatoes and move on.  My hubby just said its okay to not get discouraged, now you know.  It is for sure no Portabella's for me.

We ended having a beautiful four days together.  And more in love than before~

No Bones About It

Today I did some of my stretches so far.  Just waking out of bed is hard and first I thought it was I was walking to hard.  See I quickly I decide what is wrong with me and where it came from.   I really didn't know before I got the test results.  But here I can't even' pronounce or spell, is part of my bone defeciency.  So no I do stretches before I jump out of bed.  And it helped ALOT. 

We are moving in September and I lay in bed this AM wondering where I will work out and how are we going to move if I cannot move.  I did learn bending exercises but still, I am so undisciplined.  So I will be thinking about that and where am I going to walk for 6 minutes a day.  That is another thing, I will have to somewhere.

I just have to stay positive and vigilant so I can get well and not end up in a wheelchair by 50 it really scares me and I don't want to burden my family into caregiving me.  I know I have care gived for a loved one, and its rewarding, necessary sometimes but also a huge burden sometimes.  And that I am not going to be~

No bones about it I am going to reverse this bone loss through diet, nutrition and life style.