No Bones About It

Saturday, September 3, 2011


It's been awhile since I last wrote, I have been so busy with moving and packing.  Also starting this new life style.  I have been 5 months no smoking, eating plants and calcium alkyline foods for a whole month now and I feel better.  I have energy in mornings and walking more.  I did learn that one mile in 20 minutes is the deal.  One day I thought I did a mile in an hour and thought I was doing good.  I am really out of touch with working out.  But now I can do 20 minutes a mile.  I am up to 2 to be exact.  So its progress for me.

Some other progress is once or twice a week I do have meat.  Like a hot dog, or chicken burrito bowl.  I have to.  It can be all or nothing or I will crash and burn.

In meantime of meals we are slowly moving into a new home we inherited.  We are renovating the outside and painting inside.  This has been a slow process too since we had to donate most of the items inside first.  What a chore, but what a good feeling knowing the items will go to people in need.  And boy does our state have that.   My husband got to give away furniture to a sober womans house and he got to feel the euphoria of giving away.  He absolutely loved it.  Now he knows when he is not sure about getting rid of something he can.  See my husband has not moved in thirty years so he does not know the feeling of  throwing out.  He keeps ALOT of stuff.  That is why we are a pair, I give away if I don't wear or use in 1 or 2 years, depending on the item. 

So now he is giving away every chance he gets.  It is quite cute! 

My husband has also lost 10 lbs since I started our new life style, and I have lost two lbs.  I bought us ipods and loaded music on them and gives us something to work out too.  He can walk way farther than me but I am working on it.  No progress can happen without change is what I am finding out.


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